Freebie Club
You can receive the latest FREE or DEEP DISCOUNT premium consumer products.
It's easy and FREE to join the club. Find out more below--
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How do you participate in the Freebie Club?1. You’ll need to have an account (Most freebie club products are sold on in the US only).
2. You’ll need one discount coupon code, which the seller will give you, along with the Amazon product link. Just add the code when you place your order at the end of the checkout process to get the discount. You will be responsible for shipping costs, unless otherwise noted. If you have an Amazon Prime membership, shipping is FREE. 3. Once you receive your product, test it out, feel free to contact the seller directly with any feedback you have regarding your experience with their product, good or bad. Any feedback you provide directly to the seller is appreciated but never expected.
It’s that simple! So, what are you waiting for? There is no cost to sign up ever, it really is The Freebie Club.
Use the Join The Freebie Club form to up in the right corner. We will send you a link to the Freebie Website so you can start getting your free products.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]